- He worked hard to pay back his debt. 为了偿还他的贷款,他努力工作。
- He paid back his debts. 他偿还了借款。
- Someone even suggested a great and unknown crime, and was now trying to pay back his debt to society. 有人甚至揣测,这个人一定是犯过不可告人的滔天罪行,现在想要向社会弥补他的罪过。
- Hoon (Cha Tae-hyun) is good at driving, seducing women, and getting credit card loans.He is always pressed to pay back his debts, but he's never bothered. 金勋(车太铉饰)本身任职夜店代客泊车,他终日只顾吃喝玩桨,钱花光了便用信用咭透支,以致弄得欠债累累,但却从没想过要还钱的问题。
- Shylock sets a condition that should Bassanio be unable to pay back his debt on time, he will cut a pound of flesh from Antonio. 可是,夏洛克并不想如期收到还款,他看准机会,要在安东尼奥身上割下一磅肉来抵偿。
- He paid all his debts to the last penny. 他还清了全部债务,分文不欠。
- Hoon (Cha Tae-hyun) possesses the drive for seducing women and getting green lights for credit card loans.He is always pressed to pay back his debts, but he has never bothered. 金勋(车太铉饰)本身任职夜店代客泊车,他终日只顾吃喝玩乐,钱花光了便用信用卡透支,弄得欠债累累,但却从没想过还钱的事。
- He paid 75% of his debts and his father fetched up the rest. 他还了四分之三的债,其余的由他父亲偿还了。
- He paid his debts all at once in order to keep up his credit. 他马上还清一切债务以使保持信誉。
- He is always too busy to make money to pay back his loans. 为了尽快还清贷款,他整天忙得席不暇暖。
- "I can't possibly take a holiday until I've paid back the money I owe him" - "What nonsense! Look how long the kept you waiting before he paid his debt to you. You take my advice, and serve him with the same sauce!" "我欠他的钱没有还清,我就不能休假。"--"多蠢的废话,想想他欠你的钱,叫你等了多久他才还?听我的劝告吧,他怎么待你,他也怎么待他。"
- Has he paid back the money he borrowed from the union last month? 他上月借工会的钱还了没有?
- He paid it back out of his earning. 他用挣的钱把它偿还了。
- Love the Lord, all his saints! The Lord preserves the faithful, but the proud he pays back in full. 耶和华的圣民哪,你们都要爱他!耶和华保护诚实人,足足报应行事骄傲的人。
- He froze up when we mentioned his debts. 我们谈到他的欠款时,他的表情变僵硬。
- He paid for it out of his own pocket. 他是自己掏腰包的。
- He is primarily liable for his debt. 他对债务负主要责任或他是主要债务人。
- A federal judge has rejected Michael Vick's plan to emerge from bankruptcy, telling the suspended NFL star to rethink how he'll pay back his creditors. 联邦法官驳回了麦克.;维克的破产计划,告知这名遭停赛的NFL球星重新考虑偿还他的债务。
- He folded back his sleeves and back to work. 他卷起衣袖便又开始工作了。
- Timur Hahn, 26, who studies English, media studies and computing in Marburg, said after the show late on Monday that he wanted to pay back his mother for all her support. 据路透社1月9日报道,现年26岁的提姆·哈恩在德国马尔堡学习。在参加“谁想成为百万富翁”电视智力竞赛得奖后提姆表示,他打算用奖金回报母亲对他的养育之恩。